Sunday, January 04, 2009


So here we are again

Apparently some people still have an irrational and dare one say slightly elitist objection to Facebook so I have been told to blog more.

1) Got lots of sleep and pain has gone away for a bit so I'm in a good mood. Even managed some breakfast (it being lunchtime. I can eat at lunchtime better than the rest of the day.)
2) B-in-l kindly presented Battlestar Galactica (the boardgame) to the family so I have to do some rule learning.
3) Matt Smith played Jim in Ruby in the Smoke better than Pullman wrote him, which has to be a good sign. And he's less pretty than Tennant which is also probably good. I'm undistressed.
4) Second draft of book probably between 2 and 4 weeks, at which point I have to let someone read it.
5) Given how much of New Year I spend on codeine, I think getting back to work is still a way away. Which at least means the book can get finished.
6) Still nothing from the hospital. Waiting for the results of a CT scan on the 12/12. Not very impressed.
7) New Year was extremely good. So was Christmas, bringing as it did both Llama Duck and a Darth Vader lightsaber.
8) There is an increasingly strong smell in this room which means that I should leave the Mac and search for the kitten indiscretions.
9) I rather enjoyed the Christmas Special. No, scrap that. I definitely enjoyed the Christmas Special.
10) I still have Nick's pyjama bottoms.
11) When someone changes their Facebook status from "married" to "its complicated" I have no idea whether etiquette allows one to send a polite query or not.

That will do. There may be longer and more coherent thoughts in due course, but at the moment that bit of my brain is still juggling scenes and thinking about Dominion decks, often simultaneously.

CT scan results normal. Not dying after all. Still getting thinner though. Off to see specialist again on Monday (the joys of private medicine- the NHS appointment was for February) to see if he has any further clues.
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