Saturday, January 10, 2009


I can draw my own conclusions, thank you


I'm off to buy a fishtank today. It went like this;

Can we have a fantastically expensive HD LCD TV? It will create lots of space in the living room


Oh look, I'm not dying and just a little bit high. What the hell, yes.

That frees up an alcove. We could put a new fishtank in there, get rid of the old one and have lots of new space in the games room (as well as fish that can actually be observed regularly and a tank small enough that I can actually maintain it regularly without the whole water butt thing.)

And while we're at it, there will be more space by the window. What we really need is another sofa so that people need only cuddle up to guests when they want to and we are not continually moving cats in order to sit down.

Are we furniture shopping then? Son wants a new futon mattress because his smells of cat quite strongly.

And if we have space in the games room, the junk can come down from Son's room and he'll have room for a wardrobe. Which is more luxury than a person who overslept and missed one of his real proper actual AS level exams yesterday really deserves.

That will be the rest of the savings for real emergencies which are absolutely not to be spent on anything else gone. I think I'm spending our way out of recession singlehanded. So far we have removed the horrible tiles in the fireplace and the wood behind them, only to find a mess of brickwork and old back boiler, so the plan is to cover it all up again and stick the TV on the front. There have been long and so far fruitless discussions about what happens to all the myriad silver boxes sitting under the TV which are not conveniently flat (or at least not in the right dimension. I wonder if one could stick them all on end?)

Stomach is feeling rather better. Appetite is occasionally surfacing a bit- I had really nice sausage and black pudding on toast the other day but yesterday ate a small roll and some rich tea biscuits in total. Weight loss barely perceptible. I went for a many mile walk along the frozen canal last night- one of the few advantages to living next to a city is that when it's vaguely foggy it never gets dark enough to need a torch. Difficult to judge the depth of the mud though. I saw some sleepy ducks and heard a barn owl but otherwise encountered neither man nor beast.

Right. Off to do some of the sorely neglected washing and tidying. Getting out of writing mode is proving extremely difficult. I've done some real work though, which is gratifying if not nearly as compelling.

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