Tuesday, July 31, 2007


London in sunshine

is rather more attractive. Yesterday evening I caught a bus to Marble Arch and wandered slowly back to the Strand via Hyde Park, Green Park and St James. Food at Hyde Park deli (horrifically expensive but I was on an expense account), sitting in the sun watching the waterfowl and people, and rereading The State of the Art.

People do enjoy themselves in London parks. Lots of families, lots of couples, and a fair number of singles with books. And many football players, cyclists and rollerbladers. Noticeable that being swamped in a burkha doesn't seem to prevent women from playing games with their children or strolling with their partners. I still have very mixed feelings about the clothes but the more you see the women the less stereotyped they seem.

But I couldn't live here. Walked back after dark, got to Trafalgar Square and headed down into the subway. Very eerie at night, with no-one around. And parks are good but you walk for a while and you're out of them again.

Off to catch a train shortly; we are going to play disc golf this evening. It's a pastime that entertains me even though I take roughly twice as many throws to get to the green than everyone else. My putting's passable however. And that's out in the proper countryside.

Nothing much happening, otherwise. Ordered some euros to go on holiday with. Practising my German by muttering under my breath- the structure of sentences is OK but the nouns are mostly missing, which makes being understood a little tricky. On the other hand I can probably get by using the English nouns in the German sentence structure (or just speaking English like every other tourist).

Made chilli. Lots of chilli. It's meant to be enough for 18, which means that it will be easily consumed by 9 people with large appetites. But at least its a start. I might make some curry tomorrow. Freezers are wonderful things.

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