Thursday, July 26, 2007


Hanging herbs

After three months of instability, I'm feeling rather better again. So hopefully life will return to something like normal. Albeit with a shrunken brain.

Been cutting and drying the first lot of herbs from my garden- not sure what I'm going to do with them once dried, but the garden needed some heavy trimming, and having bunches of herbs hanging from the mantelpiece makes me feel all earth-mothery.

I'm reading Hal Duncan's "Vellum" at present; I don't have much idea of what it's about but it is rolling over me quite nicely. I suspect if I put it down for more than 24 hours I won't pick it up again though. It would be inaccurate to say that the characters don't stay the same from one page to the next, but it is often quite difficult to recognise them in their different incarnations.

We went to queue for the HP; bad mistake. 40 minutes in the rain being abused by drunk clubbers. But finished the book on Saturday, before the spoilers caught up with me. Apart from the last few pages I was fairly impressed. We also went to see the 5th film, which was considerably better than the 4th one; this time they'd cut the right bits out and left the right bits in.

No other news. It's still raining. The canal is not overflowing, due to the presence of lots of overflow pipes. I have no idea where they go but it seems to be working at the moment.

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