Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Everything is just a little bit intense...

So glad I'm taking all three mood stabilisers. Because THEY ARE NOT WORKING! Nor am I, to all intents and purposes. My dear policy colleague, who is always so nice about my work and so appreciative of the technical support, was getting distinctly irritated today.

Him "What's your technical advice advice about the urgent issue on X?"
Me, " Sorry, that email looked a bit boring so I stopped reading it."
Him "Arrgghhh!"

He waved me goodbye with a very firm "We will talk on Thursday." And a sigh.

I guess there's a difference between knowing someone's bipolar and finding out just how they change from the person you are used to dealing with. And the way it can be rather different every time; one high will be fast speech, endless jokes and overexcitement but a huge level of involvement in whatever's going on (he's met that one already), another time will be like this; permanently distracted, with no time or interest in work or normal conversation.

I'm writing. Pretty much every spare minute. I wrote all Sunday evening. I wrote on the train on Monday morning. I sat in my hotel room and wrote for 4 hours last night. I wrote on the train coming home; nearly missed my stop because I didn't want to lift the pencil. I wrote over a cup of tea, waiting for Beloved to pick me up. We finished off our game of Antiquity and I wrote between turns. When I'm not writing its in my head anyway, phrases, images.

I've written a long biographical screed about important things. I'm painfully aware that it's a bit like those pastel books with dreadful titles about miserable childhoods that I wouldn't dream of reading (except that mine isn't miserable, just weird). The urge to complete the catharsis by publishing it somewhere is warring with the knowledge that no-one wants to know this stuff, and why should they? If it turns up here, the urge won. I suggest you skip it. But just writing it has helped. Some things, unexpected things, trigger emotional storms; if I can understand where they came from, go over things yet again, I can find some calm again. Emotional storm really isn't me.

I've also written a story. Sort of story. In fanfic terms it's angst/character study I guess. Notable for a lack of sex and (graphic) violence; very unlike me. But the themes are what I need to write about at the moment. If you read both together it would be obvious. It's on its third iteration, and getting better. But then I would think that. I'll post it to A Teaspoon... shortly and see if anyone likes it.

Day off tomorrow, as usual. Beloved has the day off too; he's finding getting back to work very tiring. Though he reckons a day off with me at the moment is more exhausting.

My story is calling me.

In a fit of hypomanic enthusiasm I've joined the Bipolar World webring.
If I feel too exposed to the world I can always leave again.

What you are doing is what Natalie Goldberg (Zen writing teacher: "Writing Down the Bones", "Wild Mind", "The One With The Word Thunder in the Title Which Isn't Quite So Good") would call writing "practice" (in the sense of "Zen Practice", not "Tennis Practice") i.e putting your thoughts down on paper as they come to you. A lot of us had to practice for several years in order to be able to do this fluidly.

That, or your have a naked muse chained up in your bedroom.
Well, "Zen Practice" sounds better than "writing manically" I guess.

I'm not sure that I'd necessarily want to claim ownership of the thoughts though. My thoughts run along nice, ordered lines, with reasoned arguments and insightful observations. The stuff that ends up on paper is clearly being channelled from someone else completely. A naked muse sounds like a distinct possibility; I shall check the wardrobes. (Beloved is rather hopeful at the prospect).

Fortunately if you pick your audience carefully, you can get away with anything. From the comments on the story I posted last night;

"Wise, emotionally mature, insightful. This is a most perfect character study."

Missing the point here, guys. It's written by a crazy obsessed person. Can't you tell?

I'm beginning to get deeply cynical about this whole writing business.
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