Saturday, April 14, 2007
Saturday morning, months later
A very brief update.
- Got ill, got better.
- Went wild camping- decided next time to go somewhere where I was allowed to be, since I spent the evenings looking over my shoulder for angry grouse keepers. Otherwise wonderful and will definitely do it again- either Scotland or Dartmoor have full access. Can carry 17kg pack with no problem.
- Paddled into Birmingham with Beloved- 14 miles and 22 locks (necessitating carrying boats round), and two trips through Ashted tunnel. Took us 8.5 hrs. Bit of a killer.
- In the process of digging up the front garden to plant herbs.
- Discovered the local Freecycle and am definitely enthused. Gave away my old bike trailer, which I could have got a bit for on Ebay but I would have had to repair first. Have been offered all the old bricks I need to lay out herb garden, saving a considerable amount (bricks cost from 35p upwards and I need a couple of hundred). Result- at least square and so much less hassle and more goodwill than selling and buying things.
- Liked the Life on Mars ending, but they could have given the Buffy writers a credit....
- Am rewriting my web pages wholesale. May be a while till they turn up on screen though.