Monday, October 16, 2006


Wet things

A quiet if water orientated weekend. Fell in canal again (twice), bought a new fish.

Went into Brum to buy lots of C J Cherryths. Received first organic veg box. not sure about the necessity of the organic bit but the UK origin of most of the stuff and the fact that the rest came by boat not plane seemed sufficient to justify extra cost. Also I get interesting vegetables and have to work out what to do with them, which is better than eating ready meals.

Robin Hood. Oh dear. "Tick tock". "Tick tock?" Medaeval England? According to Wikipedia at least a hundred years too early, and probably nearer 200.

Beloved suggested that what it was nearest was the Disney cartoon version. I've only ever seen clips on - what was that children's show that showed clips of films? Screen Test, I think? Anyway, that. But he's probably right nonetheless.

However since Guy is still wearing leather we shall perserve for some time longer. I notice that they solved the problem of Will's brother by......wiping him out of existence between the first and second episodes. Creative, I have to admit.

Watched The Island as well; not nearly as bad as the reviews had it. Car chases excessive though.

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