Thursday, October 12, 2006


Supposedly witty self referential title

Exam is over. Don't need to know any maths any more. Would have done better with a slightly less slapdash approach (picking questions on the basis that they hadn't appeared in the past papers and were therefore interesting probably won't get optimum score, and essay plans got a bit overlooked, but the actual maths bits were alright I think.)

Major achievement; got to exam having had a good night's sleep, not down, not excessively up.

Son has finally accepted a mobile phone, mainly because he has discovered it has Snake on it.

We are all going to have exciting online interactive calendars.

Firefox is still playing silly buggers. I am going to carefully describe what happens and then SOMEONE is going to tell me what do to about it (hopefully).

Only happens on the Guardian website. I visit a particular page and after about a second I am redirected. Up to today I was always redirected to the Wikipedia page on referrers. Today I got redirected to some other page on referrers, but since this doesn't show up on my History I can're remember which; called Captain's Cabin or something similar. Definitely not Wikipedia, definitely the same subject matter.

Using Explorer it doesn't happen. Visiting the same page on the same day gets the same result; going back to it next day is often fine. It's maybe one page in 10, but some days seems worse than others.

No-one seems to be trying to sell me anything.

Any clues?

To celebrate the end of my maths course I have written a small amount of Newton/Leibniz slash. But I decided not to post it here, you will be pleased to hear :-) Anyone desperate to read suggestive correspondence about Infinite Series, just let me know.

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