Friday, September 01, 2006



Yesterday, while manouvering long and pointy kayak along bank prior to launch, I hear loud splash as something small and rock-like is swept off bank into the water.

Today I fail to find my mobile phone, and calls to it fail.

Could these two events possibly be connected?

I now have cheap but nevertheless remarkably overfunctionalised replacement at 1/5th the cost, and will wait impatiently until my contract runs out and I can get another beautiful one.

Too much paddling, not enough sleep, certainly not enough time to myself. Six weeks till my maths exam and 6 weeks' worth of coursework to finish, which doesn't leave much time for revision. Fun but concentrated summer activities over and general exhaustion setting in.

Fortunately apart from a tutorial in Brum tomorrow am I have the weekend to myself- Beloved is off throwing things, Son visiting friend for weekend, so I might be able to catch up on recovery.

Paddling is fun despite the aches and pains. I particularly like the fact that people on towpath are much more willing to say hello if one is clearly not in a position to stop and talk to them. Similarly I can cheerfully greet dodgy looking males on the bank knowing that there is a large body of water between us.

I realised yesterday that paddling down canal makes me a Person who Does Things, not a category I am used to. Joggers nod approvingly as if I were a fellow SportsPerson. Pottering up and down in the club boats merely made me a Dabbler but having my own boat and equipment (even if the paddle is too large for me- mine should be arriving in a couple of weeks) makes me an Enthusiast. Along with the wonderful muscles that will no doubt be along any day now that is justification enough for raiding Son's savings account to pay for it all.

Wondering what to do about Christmas. After several family years we feel it is time we had the week to ourselves, but staying at home is unlikely to work- I shall feel obliged to join in the family gatherings a short distance away. A cottage is a nice idea but a bit pricy over Christmas week for only three of us. The YHA options are under consideration but might turn out to be gruesome. Bit chilly for camping!

Back to work- just need to keep eyes open for another 3 hours. Son is having his RPG group around tonight so the leftover lemonade and biscuits should soon disappear.

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