Saturday, February 25, 2006


Political correctness gone mad!

I've always wanted to be able to say that with a straight face. And now, thanks to Mr Livingstone, I can.

If KL had been rude to an employee then I would have more sympathy with the result. People are entitled to not be bullied or harrassed by their bosses, and it's part of the organisation's responsibility to deal with that when it happens. But being rude to a journalist, while frequently unwise, is more like insulting your boss than your subordinates.

I was going to say that I think we are excessively sensitive about the Holocaust, but even that is likely to result in accusations of insensitivity. What Ken said had nothing to do with the actual events of the Holocaust. He wasn't accusing the journalist (who presumably was not in his 70's or 80's) of being in any way involved. What he was doing was using the powerful and graphic image of a concentration camp guard, and the image of mindless co-operation with evil that that brings up, to put the guy down. Images get into the language, powerful ones get in there better. We can't ban them from our minds and our speech, or at least not forever, and there's probably no reason why we should.

It wasn't polite. Calling someone a witch, or Attila the Hun, or a raving lunatic isn't polite either. Accusing them of being like any of the above is slightly less rude, as I believe Ken did to his journalist.

If enough people were offended no doubt Ken's vote will go down accordingly. Democracy is a great system, supposedly. Maybe we could try it sometime.

Other news- none. Played some games on SpielByWeb. Saw some friends, which was good. May be going to Disneyland Paris in Easter with sisters and offspring- jury still out on that one. Will probably take a day off disneying to go to Paris with Son, which will be interesting. Frantically busy at work due to Finance Bill, about which I may not speak on pain of death. Off to tackle the Greeks and Conic Sections shortly. Don't like the cold.

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