Thursday, February 16, 2006
Old games
My games collection is getting older, at a rate rather faster than the rest of the Universe. Just bought a copy of Judge Dredd on Ebay (we do have a copy but the cards got eaten by the rubber bands- never, boys and girls, leave rubber bands around game components) and Dune via BGG. Now all I have to do is find another 5 players with a spare day for Dune.... Must find some more things to sell- my "free" Paypal money is running out.
Son and I went for a long walk to country pub yesterday- it is half term. He enlightened me as to the current groupings in his school. I'm sure we were never this organised- there were the popular ones (who were always thin, at least until they got pregnant), and everyone else, who vaguely split off into hippyish (dope) and rockish (dope and alcohol) and others (alcohol) but without any real firm identification into groups.
Not like that these days- there are Chavs and Goths and Skaters and Boffs. Son is now irretrievably classified as Boff since publicly running a D&D game. I remember thinking that Goths were a passing fad- 1983-4 ish? I guess black clothes and eyeshadow will never lose its appeal. I'd have been a jolly good Goth if only they'd arrived a few years earlier, but I'd probably still have avoided it on the grounds that I might get it wrong.
Talking of Skaters, I have been watching a surprising amount of the Winter Olympics, which shows how little else there is on. Far more entertaining that the frankly dull field and track events of the Summer one. And the Germans' kit is wonderful- orange and lime green.
Finished the last Sanctuary book (actually there's one more that I haven't bought yet). After 15 or so books I felt like coming up for air a bit- borrowed a Dianne Wynne Jones for a distinctly different tone. The new anthology has a suitably dark background but the new writers haven't quite got the sheer nastiness of C J Cherryth for instance. Raymond Feist in Sanctuary doesn't really work. Beloved's been picking up the new RPG books as well; probably not one to run for Son for a year or so yet.
Few more days till Serenity is out- I shall break my resolution and buy it straight away (probably from the tax avoiding since Son is waiting eagerly to see it.
First OU tutorial on Saturday. I've got a bit bogged down with greek proofs- must have another go this evening while others are out (and before House starts).
Son and I went for a long walk to country pub yesterday- it is half term. He enlightened me as to the current groupings in his school. I'm sure we were never this organised- there were the popular ones (who were always thin, at least until they got pregnant), and everyone else, who vaguely split off into hippyish (dope) and rockish (dope and alcohol) and others (alcohol) but without any real firm identification into groups.
Not like that these days- there are Chavs and Goths and Skaters and Boffs. Son is now irretrievably classified as Boff since publicly running a D&D game. I remember thinking that Goths were a passing fad- 1983-4 ish? I guess black clothes and eyeshadow will never lose its appeal. I'd have been a jolly good Goth if only they'd arrived a few years earlier, but I'd probably still have avoided it on the grounds that I might get it wrong.
Talking of Skaters, I have been watching a surprising amount of the Winter Olympics, which shows how little else there is on. Far more entertaining that the frankly dull field and track events of the Summer one. And the Germans' kit is wonderful- orange and lime green.
Finished the last Sanctuary book (actually there's one more that I haven't bought yet). After 15 or so books I felt like coming up for air a bit- borrowed a Dianne Wynne Jones for a distinctly different tone. The new anthology has a suitably dark background but the new writers haven't quite got the sheer nastiness of C J Cherryth for instance. Raymond Feist in Sanctuary doesn't really work. Beloved's been picking up the new RPG books as well; probably not one to run for Son for a year or so yet.
Few more days till Serenity is out- I shall break my resolution and buy it straight away (probably from the tax avoiding since Son is waiting eagerly to see it.
First OU tutorial on Saturday. I've got a bit bogged down with greek proofs- must have another go this evening while others are out (and before House starts).
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I hadn't heard "boffs" before. As in "boffins"? I rather like it: it doesn't seem to have the implicit value judgement that "nerds" does. (Presumably, all geeks are boffs but not all boffs are geeks?)
Looking at a few web hits, it seems to have taken the place of both "boffin" and "buff" (as in film buff). So there are references to film boffs, and education boffs as well as lots on teenage boffs (defined in one place as boys who are conscientious at school, although girls can clearly be boffs too). The term seems to be almost as derogatory as geek in the US but slightly politer in the UK.
Tracking it is of course confused by the fact that boffing is one of the more acceptable terms for sex.
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Tracking it is of course confused by the fact that boffing is one of the more acceptable terms for sex.
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