Saturday, February 21, 2009


"It is government policy to prevent the formation of polygamous households in the United Kingdom," the (Ministry of Justice) spokesperson said.

One aspect of interfering with people's lives that the Daily Mail won't be campaigning against, I suspect.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Where are we now?

No, that's a genuine question. Fortunately I'm not so bad as that (and Sputnik is on my lap, which is unlike him). But I am on the horrible anti-psychotics having spent the last three weeks going up, up, down, up, crazy bewildered. Massively over reacting to stimuli, which means that I can sit here and type relatively easily but as soon as I get up to walk across the room everything goes ballistic and I end up staring randomly at something or turning in circles.

So what am I doing in my brief interludes of sanity? I relearned how to do the Rubiks Cube so that I can play with my beautiful sliver/black/white/ darkgrey/midgrey/lightgrey cube. It's not easy- the greys in particular are very hard to distinguish. I'm struggling to resist the temptation to play with Invictus. Though some of that is useful; I wrote a little bridging bit near the end that managed to tie up a little plot end and demonstrate something useful at the same time. which I was rather pleased with. But mostly I'm fiddling with the odd word here and there, nothing that will make much difference to anything. I wrote a RH fic last week that was so filthy that I hesitated to post it at all and it got a more positive response than I'd had for ages- no-one ever went broke underestimating their audience. I guess.

We watched Iron Man last night on our new HD TV. Very pretty. Not a bad film; I have a soft spot for Robert Downey Jr (who may or may not be bipolar; one of those people who other people speculate about; very unedifying of them. I saw one article that firmly declared that Robin Williams must be bipolar because he's got all that energy. Or, just maybe, he's an actor. Celebrity mental illness spotting is pretty pointless. Half Hollywood could be bipolar and it wouldn't help me keep my job.)

Stomach pain seems to have vanished, anyway. Whatever it was.

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